Tap n Act is the complete solution for your Health & Safety, HACCP and cleanliness compliance. Whether you’re a restaurant, café, bar or shop – Tap n Act has your back.

Our smart software, sensors and checkpoint tags give you the peace of mind that your procedures are being completed on time and that you’re automatically alerted to any exceptions or issues.

Select from the buttons below to see how Tap n Act can work for you.

Commercial Kitchens

No more paper, no more “dumb” checklists. Tap n Act has preset HACCP management modules to get you started, with the option to customise to your venue. Our simple interfaces allow staff to enter data quickly and our automated sensors* ensure your valuable stock is always stored at the correct temperatures.

HACCP features include:

  • Automated temperature sensors* for fridges, freezers and storerooms
  • Food service Cooking and Cooling temperature logs
  • Accident reporting
  • Delivery logs
  • Tracking of Staff HACCP training
  • Pest Control
  • Breakage logs (Glass and Crockery)
  • Temperature monitor calibration
  • Maintenance logs
  • Instant access to historical reports

Plus, access our best-in-class cleaning schedules, with RFID-enabled checkpoints leading your staff through your procedures, ensuring that they are completed to your high standards every time. You can even create custom inspection schedules for your venue manager.

Hospitality Front of House

Tap n Act doesn’t stop at the kitchen door. Like you, we go the extra mile for your clientele.

Create tasks to ensure that every staff and customer touchpoint is cleaned – tables, chairs, condiment containers, menus, door handles, POS terminals and more. Show your customers that your hygiene levels go over and above what’s required by legislation, with Tap n Act’s optional mini-site showing your cleaning regime.

  • Create tasks with multiple actions for staff to follow
  • Add RFID enabled checkpoints to optimise compliance
  • Optionally publish that data for your customers to view via a simple QR code scan
  • Control presentation of your venue as well as healthy & safety and hygiene
  • Prompt venue managers or your maitre d’ to conduct inspections to ensure your standards are met with scheduled or “at random” push notifications
  • Ensure locking up is completed correctly and your venue is left secure

Toilets and Restrooms

Most people agree that the standard of an establishment’s toilet represents its overall standard of hygiene. Tap n Act works to keep any venue’s staff and customer toilets to an optimal level of cleanliness. Allow customers and staff to report an issue and get alerts to complete actions based on schedules or on an issue that has been reported.

  • Create tasks with multiple actions for staff to follow with regular schedules for cleaning
  • Allow customers to report an issue with the restroom areas through a simple QR code 
  • Control the stock of tissue, soap and sanitiser
  • Optionally publish your hygiene standards for your customers to view via a simple QR code scan


Health and hygiene expectations in retail stores are more heightened than ever. Tap n Act also works for shops, allowing you to ensure Health & Safety compliance in your public areas. Ensure that all staff and customer touchpoints from door handles, to POS terminals, counter areas and changing rooms meet your presentation standards as well as your clientele’s new hygiene expectations.

  • Create tasks for POS terminals, counters, door handles, handrails and all other areas where personal contact is made.
  • Control the presentation of your point-of-sale areas
  • Ensure your staff keep on top of both presentation and cleanliness
  • Optionally publish your hygiene standards for your staff and visitors to view via a simple QR code scan

Gyms, Salons and Spas

Health and hygiene expectations in gyms, salons and spas are at all-time highs. Keep on top of the cleanliness and hygiene of your facilities such as changing rooms, exercise equipment, treatment rooms, juice bars and communal areas where personal care services are conducted.

Ensure that routine hygiene and presentation procedures are completed and trigger ad hoc inspections through push notifications to ensure standards are met. 

Ensure that scheduled cleaning is completed, and trigger ad-hoc inspections to ensure both cleanliness and presentation standards are met.

  • Create tasks with multiple actions for staff to follow with regular schedules for cleaning toilets, showers and any other public facilities
  • Trigger ad hoc cleaning tasks between customers in treatment rooms
  • Allow customers to report an issue with your facilities through a simple QR code
  • Give your managers the power they need to conduct inspections
  • Give your customers confidence they are safe while in your venue
  • Optionally publish your hygiene standards for your customers to view via a simple QR code scan

Waiting Rooms

Whether you’re a doctor’s surgery, dentist, vet or a service
sector business where you have a waiting room for your customers, you can
ensure the cleanliness of your waiting room areas. 

  • Create cleaning schedules for your waiting rooms, chairs, tables, door handles and counter areas
  • Allow customers to report an issue with your facilities through a simple QR code
  • Optionally publish your cleaning schedules to demonstrate your gold standard in hygiene maintenance.


Give your staff and visitors the utmost confidence as they return to work. Tap n Act can help you maintain obligations under Health & Safety at work, ensuring the highest standards of cleanliness in communal areas such as toilets, kitchens and canteen areas.

Plus, Tap n Act has the added option to challenge staff to keep their own workspaces hygienic and can help your business save energy by ensuring that computers, lighting and equipment are turned off overnight when not in use. Our system even helps you lock up securely at night.

  • Create tasks with multiple actions for staff to follow with regular schedules for cleaning toilets, showers, staff kitchens and any other communal facilities
  • Challenge staff to keep their workspaces clean and tidy
  • Ensure premises are secure overnight
  • Save power costs (and carbon footprint) by scheduling tasks to power off equipment and lighting.
  • Trigger ad hoc cleaning tasks between use of meeting and board rooms
  • Empower staff and visitors to report an issue with your facilities through a simple QR code
  • Optionally publish your hygiene standards for your staff and visitors to view via a simple QR code scan

Holiday Cottages, Self Catering & Airbnb

Maintain the star rating of your self-catering holiday let, ensure that inventory is complete with no breakages and that cleaning on change-over days is done to your high, exacting standards. Publicise your cleaning regime on your chosen marketplace, allowing your guests to see for themselves when any cleaning activity was completed.

Give your guests an added feeling of safety, especially in the post-covid world.

* Temperature sensors sold separately.
